Michael Trippick - Lost Four stone!

It was quite a shock when my GP told me I was approaching diabetes if I carried on eating anything and everything whilst doing little exercise.


My journey started when my wife bought me a Fitbit blaze wrist tracker and a sturdy pair of running shoes. At the same time I did a lot of diet research and decided that Shake that Weight had the best range of products to support me on my journey. I started running, going to the Gym and managing my diet. I have not looked back since. I am particularly proud since I am currently 66 and If I can do it there is nothing stopping you.

I enjoy the Shake that Weight (STW) porridge with lots of fresh fruit every morning. A STW dark choc bar is my favourite product as a snack, and I love the STW barbecue flavour protein crisps with a small portion of low fat cheese and some salad for lunch.

I would definitely recommend Shake that Weight. Easy to order, thoroughly tasty products and your best friend if you want to get trim!

Start your journey

*Weight loss results are different for each individual and yours may vary.